Hand drawn logo: anja@anjamulder.com
#ink #logo #logodesign #floral #glowworm#soap #local #logoontwerp #inkt #flowers#botanicaldesign #botanisch #organic#organisch #startup #opmaatgemaakt#opmaat #custommade #design
Made a birth announcement with lots of delicate flowers for little Teddy, daughter of Dieuwertje & Jens.
#geboortekaartje #geboortekaartjes #geboortekaart #zwanger #negenmaanden #kaartje #teddy #baby #announcement #babyshower #botanicalillustration #bloemen #iloveflowers #flowerstagram #flowers
Made this logo for Els Mampay, a Belgian cognitive behavioral therapist. ‘Saam’ is south-african for Togetherness. The ginkgo leaves consists of fused needles, so they are a symbol for being together.
Logo design voor Saam, gedragstherapeuten.
For more information about logo design: anja@anjamulder.com
#logo #logodesign #design #ginkgo #ginkgobiloba #saam #cognitievegedragstherapie #botanicalillustration #ink #ontwerp #ginkgoblad #companydesign #branding #anjamulder
Sunday morning home life. Drawing the first lines on a new canvas.
#momslife #home #workspace #woonkamer slash #atelier #house #botanicalpainting #painting #canvas #bloemen #ink #anjamulder #fineart #instart #interiordesign #design #interior
Made this birth announcement for little Estelle. The stars in the sky form her constellation, the flowers have a symbolic meaning for the parents. Always love these birthcard projects. Lovely picture by Estelle’s mother Alinda @littlelovedones
Geboortekaartje, op maat gemaakt voor kleine Estelle. Voor meer informatie: anja@anjamulder.com
#geboortekaartje #geboortekaartjes #opmaatgemaakt #custommade #flowers #botanical #ink #anjamulder #botanicaldrawing #birth #birthannouncement #zwanger #geboorte
A small autumn wreath in ink, made this one for the birth announcement of little Leopold Johannes. There are 3 birds hidden in the leafs, they represent the sisters of the baby boy. Interested in a custom made card? anja@anjamulder.com
#wreath #kranse #krans #ink #geboortekaartje #geboortekaart #geboortekaartjes #announcement #birth #negenmaanden #geboorte #nature #natuur #floral #inkttekening #botanical #anjamulder
Made this birth announcement for a little German boy named Leopold Johannes. The family is living in the historic castle Sondermühlen, surrounded by chestnut trees. So besides the house i have drawn leaves and fruit of their trees in.
Link to the family castle complex here: Castle Sondermühlen.
More information about custom made drawings / announcement cards: anja@anjamulder.com
#ink #inkt #announcement #baptism #nature #autumn #birth #birthannouncement #geboortekaartje #leopold #geboortekaartjes #opmaat #custommade #instart #adel #adelijkefamilie #castle #historicsite #sondermühlen #kasteel #Richthofen #aristocratic #aristocraticfamily #Melle #osnabrück #nordrhein#anjamulder #uitnodiging #persoonlijk #art #handmade #hans
Tiny drawings in ink, made these for a postcard design.
#butterfly #ink #vlinder #vlinders #design #graphic #graphicdesign #fineline #flora #floral #butterflies #inkt #fineart #postcarddesign #ontwerp #illustratie #anjamulder
Pweh, got a bit carried away in giving the envelope a more botanical vibe... Posting some originals today, this one is for dear @makikohastings ✨
#package #envelope #envelop #ink #botanicaldrawing #bloemen #art #pakketje #floral #botanics #botanical #plant #iloveplants
A butterfly on a dried flower and an armadillo with a butterfly in ink, made these one on a old book page and bookcover. Interested in one of the pieces? The original artworks are for sale, write me at anja@anjamulder.com
#ink #illustration #artpiece #armadillo #fineart #buylocal #lokaal #flora #botanical #gordeldier #butterfly #vlinder #holdstill #vlindertje #illustratie #tekening #inkt #inktdrawing #originalartwork
✍🏻 with the little one.
#siempie #workingmom #workspace #lekkertekenen #atelier #friday #interiordesign #momlife #aandekeukentafel #home #thuis #illustrator #anjamulder #groningen #anja #mulder
Logo design for a sommelier, sommeljeej.nl It was nice to make something with a lot of color for a change. And there is a botanical drawing in it too 🍂
www.anjamulder.com #logodesign #logo #logoontwerp #ontwerp #design #sommelier #wijn #wijntje #wine #winelover #sommeljeej #winewinewine
Made a few illustrations for a lovely Frisian calendar project.
There is a Frisian word on every day-page, with a dutch and english translation on the side. Project by @birte_buw Also artwork by the talented @woollythistle @studiovansan @dragantomas and other designers.
Voor de Frieske dúmpkes onder ons: dizze kalinder liket kreas, op naar de Afuk zou ik zeggen.
#poerbêst #illustrations #frysk #fryslân #fryslan #friesland #kalender #calendar #ink #illustraties
Floral arrangement for a nice assignment.
Wilde bloemen in inkt.
#floral #bloemen #flowergram #autumn #herfst #modernflorals #blackdrawing #drawingflowers #illustration #anjamulder #boeket #bouquet #wildflowers
What we found in the park this morning...
Opbrengst van een rondje Noorderplantsoen 🍂
#herbarium #autumn #determineren #herfstkleuren #leaves #driedflowers #noorderplantsoen #groningen #park #collage #collection #verzameling #anjamulder #ergaatnietsbovengroningen
The advantage of having a toddler that wants to get up at six in the morning to play (and a teenager that sleeps all morning) is that i am out and about in the woods as soon as the light gets in. The colors outside are ✨
#indiansummer #oktober #herfst #autumn #leaves #herbarium #autumncolours #driedflowers #vlieland #sketchbook #schetsboek #ink #inkdrawing #verzameling #collection #anjamulder #bos #wood
Birdface house in the woods 🐦
the little one is like a worm in its mouth...
#cabins #vlieland #vogelhuis #birdhouses #lookslike #design #head #house #futurism #woods #cabininthewoods #cabin #travel #vogel #woodenhouse #art #architecture #boshuisje #cabin #wood
Sketchbook Vlieland 🍂
Paddestoelen in het bos.
#vlieland #paddestoelen #herfst #herfstvakantie #nature #sketchbook #schetsboek #boshuisje #bos #woods #mushrooms #mushroom #autumn #storm #tekening #illustration #illustrator
Swan ~ raven ~ heart.
Design for a linocut.
#againandagainandagain #linocut #design #printmaking #step1 #Zwaan #raaf #love #drawing #sketch #illustration #paper #drawing #tekenen #schetsboek #illustration #tattoo #heart #sketchbook #graphic #design #anjamulder #ink
Drawing time... making an autumn themed illustration for Kathrine and her family.
#Geboortekaart aan het tekenen, in herfstthema.
#geboortekaartje #geboortekaartjes #babtism #announcement #card #kaart #aankondiging #ink #illustration #nature #invite #carddesign #graphic #design #illustration #anjamulder #pencil #kaart #opmaatgemaakt #garland #botanicals
Illustrated this birth announcement for little Cato.
#birthannouncement #geboortekaartje #ink #inkdrawing #handmade #origineelgeboortekaartje #kraamcadeau #geboortekaartjes #babygirl #flowercard #instart #fineart #botanical #anjamulder #floral #botanicaltattoo #announcement #hortensia #nature #gardenflowers #wildflowers #geboorte #kaartje #announcement #baby #floral #botanicadrawing #ink #Cato #bloemen
A small original for sale, ink drawing of field flowers & a butterfly. Made this one on a old book cover page. There is a dried corn flower in the middle. The sweet old frame with glass comes with it. Contact me if you are interested by bidding (anja@anjamulder.com ) highest bidder wins ✨free shipping worldwide.
#vlinder #korenbloem #cornflower #originalartwork #ink #fieldflowers #fineart #inkart #floral #botanical art #design #affordableart #auction #kleinekunst #origineel #bloemen #inkt #illustration #illustratie #anjamulder #veldbloemen
A few of my herbarium & sketchbooks.
#sketchbook #diary #herbarium #driedflowers #schetsboek#anjamulder #ink #inkttekeningen #droogbloemen #dagboeken #schetsboek #illustration #illustrator #pencildrawing #nature #fineart #dryingflowers #simple #simpleliving #design #graphicdesign #grafisch #ontwerp #plantlover #drawingdiary #bloemen #natuur #onthetable #verzameling
Made this one in ink on old bookpaper.
Interested: anja@anjamulder.com
#wolf #ink #inkt #onthetable #illustration #illustratie #bookcover #instart #onthetable #atelier #home #tekenen #husky #wolfje #runningwolf #fineart #staywild #colors
First lines of a wolf. Ink on old bookpaper ~ 1925.
#wolf #ink #inkt #onthetable #illustration #illustratie #bookcover #instart #onthetable #atelier #home #tekenen #husky #wolfje #runningwolf #fineart #staywild #dankvoordeinspiratiewiltfried
Made this floral drawing in ink on nostalgic paper from 1925. There are a few symbols hidden in the flower field, such a sweet idea of the woman who gave the drawing to her husband as a birthday gift.
#opmaatgemaakt #fineart #originalart #incommission #cadeau #ink #bloemen #illustration #lokaal #kunst #paper #illustratie #instart #anjamulder #yellow #1925 #oldbookcover #schutblad www.anjamulder.com
Wedding announcement with flowers of the season. Made this card for a bride and groom from Austin, i drawn flowers and plants in from the bride’s backyard.
The card is going to be printed in black on a letterpress.
#letterpress #anjamulder #bruiloft #trouwkaart #wedding #aankondiging #trouwen
Berlin diary ~ yesterday
Reisverslag, deze is van gister. Afgelopen zondag op de Boxhagener Platz in Friedrichshain een klein fotolijstje gekocht voor 1 van de #photoautomat foto’s. Vandaag inpakken en nach hause fahren. Het waren mooie dagen.
@mfnberlin #naturkundemuseum #prinzessinengärten #urbangardening #stadstuin #citygarden #urbangardening #Oranienstraße #travel #instatraveling #diary #reisblog #sketchbook #traveljournal #schetsboek #pencil #drawing #illustration #anjamulder #boxhagenerplatz #prenzlauerberg #berlijn #berlin #instatravel #Friedrichshain #Prinzenstraße #kreuzberg #botanical #floral #armadillo photoautomat.de